"Home of the Mobile Sacristy"
To strive for continual catechesis among our Catholic brethren, by utilizing the tools given to us by Holy Mother Church; and to encourage young men to serve our Eucharistic Lord at the altar, through liturgical ministry.
"Feed My Sheep" (John 17:21)
In the Spirit of the Eucharistic Revival, JP2 Men’s Group operates "The Mobile Sacristy" Trailer; which contains liturgical items required for celebrating Sacred Liturgy, at Catholic events held outside a Church building.
"It is not Good that Man is Alone" (Gen 2:18)
The irony of our virtually connected world is the dramatic increase in reported loneliness and depression. We meet every third Monday, to share in person; fellowship, prayer, and laughter. These monthly meetings help us as Christians; to support each other, on our life’s journey.
Stay up to date with MCG’s upcoming JP2 Men’s Group meetings, family events, and Mobile Sacristy set up events and hear from the individuals who help keep the mobile sacristy rolling.