"Home of the Mobile Sacristy"
To strive for continual catechesis among our Catholic brethren, by utilizing the tools given to us by Holy Mother Church; and to encourage young men to serve our Eucharistic Lord at the altar, through liturgical ministry.
"Feed My Sheep" (John 17:21)
In the Spirit of the Eucharistic Revival, JP2 Men’s Group operates "The Mobile Sacristy" Trailer; which contains liturgical items required for celebrating Sacred Liturgy, at Catholic events held outside a Church building.
"It is not Good that Man is Alone" (Gen 2:18)
The irony of our virtually connected world is the dramatic increase in reported loneliness and depression. We meet every third Monday, to share in person; fellowship, prayer, and laughter. These monthly meetings help us as Christians; to support each other, on our life’s journey.